What is midfoot arthritis?

Midfoot arthritis affects the bones of the middle part of the foot. This begins with damage to the cartilage. It may occur after a foot injury or as a result of ‘wear and tear’ of the joints.

Midfoot arthritis causes pain in the part of the foot located between your ankle and the ball of your foot. Pain usually starts when you are walking or moving the joints in the midfoot.

What can I do about my midfoot arthritis?

There are many ways to help your midfoot arthritis. The goal is to improve the way you move and decrease your pain.

Reduce the amount of weight on the foot:

  • maintain a healthy weight (this may involved losing weight)
  • use a cane, crutches, or a walker
  • sit as opposed to stand when performing activities

Reduce movement of the foot joints by wearing stiff-soled, rockerbottom shoes.

Take medicine, it might help. But talk to your doctor before you start taking anything new.